Browser Requirements
If you see a message saying that Incremental Ordinals is not supported on your browser, please read this section. We currently support the following browsers:
- Chrome: Current-1 and Current
- Edge: Current-1 and Current
- Firefox: Current-1 and Current, ESR
- Safari: Current-1 and Current
- Opera: Current
- Stock browser on Android 4.4.4+
- Safari on iOS 14+
If you see the message but your browser is above the listed requirements, please let us know. Any problem with Incremental Ordinals in the above browsers should be reported as a bug in Incremental Ordinals.
Current-1 and Current denotes that we support the current stable version of the browser and the version that preceded it. For example, if the current version of a browser is 24.x, we support the 24.x and 23.x versions.
Firefox ESR (Extended Support Release) is a Firefox version for use by organizations including schools, universities, businesses, and others who need extended support for mass deployments. It is based on a regular release of Firefox and synced from the next regular Firefox every few releases – for example ESR versions include Firefox 47, 52, and 60. At any given time there are at most two ESR versions available; Incremental Ordinals supports both of them. See the Mozilla site for more information.
Unsupported Browsers
While Incremental Ordinals might run without major issues in older browser versions, we do not actively test Incremental Ordinals in them and generally do not fix bugs that may appear in them.
Similarly, Incremental Ordinals does not fix bugs in pre-release versions of browsers, such as beta or dev releases. If you find a bug with Incremental Ordinals in a pre-release of a browser, you should report the bug to the browser vendor.
The Basics
When you start this game, you should see a number in the form of Hordinal (10). You can click a button to increase the ordinal by 1. The number should go up. When your number reaches 20, you can maximize the ordinal. Your ordinal will increase to ω, pronounced omega. Omega is the first infinite ordinal. After ω you can increase the ordinal even more, but the number goes up faster. At ω+10, you can maximize to ω2. ω2+10 maximizes to ω3 and so on. You can also maximize at ordinals like ω+20 → ω2+5 and ω3+100 → ω6+3. At ω9+10, you can maximize to ω2, which is omega multiplied by itself. Your number reaches 10240, and you can now Infinity!
When you Infinity, you reset your ordinal, but you gain Ordinal Points (OP) based on your ordinal. You can spend your OP on autoclickers and factors.
Autoclickers (Tier 1 Automation)
Autoclickers automate your progress. You can automate adding 1 to the ordinal or maximizing the ordinal. They both cost OP.
Factors multiply your autoclicker speed! They cost OP to upgrade. You start with zero factors, but you can do Factor Shifts to gain factors.
Factor Shifts
When you reach the required OP, you can do a Factor Shift. It will reset everything before it, but you gain a new factor and your base decreases by 1. Bases are ways to reach larger ordinals from smaller ordinals. For example, at base 10, ω3 requires ω29+ω9+10. In base 4, you only need ω23+ω3+4, and very low bases can be quite overpowered. You can turn ω22+ω2+3 into ωω in base 3!
Base 3 and 4
At Base 3 and 4, the game suddenly becomes a lot more grindier. Luckily, there are features that can help relieve the grind.
Dynamic Factors
At Base 4, uou unlock Dynamic Factors. Dynamic Factors act like factors, but they increase over time. Your Dynamic Factor increases by 0.002x per second. You can make it faster with later upgrades in the game.
When you reach ωωω, the game switches to Madore’s OCF. At this point, you can buy autoclickers and Infinity to reach larger ordinals! Just Max All autoclickers and then click Infinity repeatedly to proceed! When you reach ψ(ΩΩ), you can do a Factor Boost.
Factor Boosts
Factor Boosts give you Boosters to spend on Booster Upgrades! Your first one gives 1 Booster. The next ones give 2, then 3, 4, and so on. However, the prices increase rapidly, making 4 and more boosters very hard to get.
Upgrade Table
The Upgrade Table is a table of upgrades! They cost boosters to unlock. If you want to change your upgrades, you can Refund! Refunding gives you 100% of your boosters back. The only cost of refunding is that it resets everything in the current Factor Boost, but you can try a different build.
Autobuyers (Tier 2 Automation)
Autobuyers can be bought from the Upgrade Table. They automate higher aspects of the game. Max All autobuyer maxes out all autoclickers and factors twice every second. It stops when you’re able to do a Factor Shift. Infinity autobuyer performs an Infinity twice every second, if it can and the ordinal is high enough. Autobuyers can be sped up by later upgrades.
Challenges are the main way to speed up autobuyers. When you enter one, you start a new Factor Boost with nerfed effects. All of your upgrades still apply. You can exit challenges if you don’t think you’re able to complete the challenges. You can complete challenges up to 3 times. Each completion has a greater reward.
Incrementy are objects that grow over time. You need to reach ψ(1) in order to start production of them. Incrementy give a boost to autobuyers based on their amount. The boost is log10(incrementy+10). You can also buy Incrementy Upgrades that cost Incrementy. They boost Incrementy-related effects.
Manifolds are an extension of Incrementy, unlocked with 108 Boosters. In order to gain Manifolds, you must sacrifice Incrementy. Manifolds make the Dynamic Factor grow faster based on their amount. The boost is a √(manifolds+1) multiplier. There are also 6 new Incrementy Upgrades that have been added. They boost Manifold or Dynamic effects.
When you collapse for the first time, you get √(x-24) Cardinals, where x is the number of Factor Boosts. This value is rounded down. Cardinals start as unassigned, but you can assign them to either ℵ0, ℵ1, or ℵ2, where ℵ is pronounced “Aleph”. Each of the Alephs produce Aleph Power, which gives a boost on its own. The multiplier is log10(Aleph Power+10) for all three of the Alephs. However, they boost different things. I suggest you do ℵ1 for your first Collapse, because you wouldn’t have to worry of pre-ψ(1).
Sluggish Milestones
Sluggish Milestones are milestones that unlock when you complete a Collapse in the required amount of Factor Boosts or less. They give rewards that make the game more convenient. The first one is done for you, and it gives you 1% of OP gained on Infinity every second. Each Sluggish Milestone also gives you free permanent Boosters to spend on Upgrades. The Sluggish Milestones let you skip the early parts of Collapse.
Aleph Upgrades
Once you get one of each of the ℵ0, ℵ1, and ℵ2, you can spend them to obtain an ℵω. ℵω can be spent on upgrades that give boosts to the game. They are often very powerful. When you buy the 8 ℵω upgrade, you unlock the Dark Upgrades.
Dark Upgrades
Dark Upgrades are like Incrementy Upgrades but they require Decrementy instead. You start with three repeatable Dark Upgrades and a Dark Manifold. Dark Manifolds act like normal Manifolds but they require Decrementy and only boost the Dynamic Factor Cap. Dark Upgrades can boosts things inside of Challenge 8 and outside of Challenge 8. Dark Upgrades are vital for completing the difficult Sluggish Milestones.
Sluggish Milestone 6
When you complete all of the sluggish milestones, you get rewarded with a ton of QoL features. For example, you can autocomplete challenges when you’re in them. You can keep your Incrementy and Decrementy upgrades. You unlock autoprestigers. You can complete challenge 8 more times! (From 3 to Infinite), but most importantly, you unlock two more rows of Booster Upgrades. They act as normal booster upgrades but are much more expensive.
Singularity is a mechanic that requires 5e11 Boosters, or a million Factor Boosts! When unlocked, you can sacrifice your Manifolds, Dark Manifolds, and ℵω for Singularity Levels. Singularity Levels raise the Factor Boost requirement, but you get more Factor Boosts when you complete them! You can also downgrade the singularity for Manifolds.
Singularity Functions
Singularity Functions are a mechanic that unlock when you reach a level 20 Singularity. Singularity Function upgrades cost Functions which are based on your Singularity Level. They are often very powerful. When you buy the 9th Singularity Function, you unlock the Baseless Milestones.
Baseless Milestones
Baseless Milestones are milestones that unlock when you reach the required ordinal in Challenge 4. They give rewards that make the game more convenient. The first one requires ωω23, and it gives you one Refund Point every second. Each Baseless Milestone also gives you free permanent Boosters to spend on Upgrades. The Baseless Milestones let you skip the later parts of Collapse.
Omega Challenges
Omega Challenges multiply your Booster gain from Milestones! When you enter one, you start a new Collapse with nerfed effects. You can exit Omega Challenges if you don’t think you’re able to complete the challenges. Omega Challenges can be completed a fractional amount of times past 1. Each completion has a greater reward.
Once you reach 100 Achievements and have 1e540 Incrementy, you can enter the Incrementyverse. This will remove all of your old mechanics, but you will unlock new ones as you progress. There are also 7 new rows of Singularity Functions that have been added. They boost Incrementyverse-related effects.
Incrementyverse Upgrade Table
The Incrementyverse Upgrade Table is a table of Incrementyverse-related upgrades! They cost Incrementy to unlock. The first one requires 1e1136 Incrementy, and it multiplies Incrementy gain by 1e120 for each bought Incrementyverse upgrade.
Fractal Engines
When you buy the 4th Incrementyverse Upgrade, you unlock Fractal Engines. Your first Fractal Engine costs 1e100000 Incrementy, and adds a power of 10 to your Incrementy every 10 seconds.
Fractal Shifts
Fractal Shifts are a mechanic that unlock when you reach 10↑↑10000 Incrementy. Fractal Shifting will reset all of your previous progress, but you get a new Fractal Engine and the Fractal Base decreases by 1. Fractal Bases decrease the Fractal Engine cost to 10{level}base. While this will have very little effect for the first few Fractal Shifts, it will become noticeable once you have enough Fractal Shifts. The Fractal Shift cost is 10{shifts+2}1000 Incrementy.
When you perform a Fractal Shift for the first time, you unlock E-Factors. E-Factors multiply your Incrementy automation and Fractal Engine speed. The formula for E-Factor Shifts is 2√(Fractal Shifts)-1, where the value is rounded down. The formula for i-th E-Factor cost is 10{i(n+1)}10 Incrementy, where n is the amount of i-th E-Factors bought.
Fractal Engine Upgrades
Fractal Engine Upgrades are a mechanic that unlock when you buy the 6th Incrementyverse Upgrade. They boost Fractal Engine-related effects. The first one costs 10↑↑10 Incrementy for the first purchase, increases by 1 arrow every purchase, and doubles your Fractal Engine speed.